Question #477c1

1 Answer
May 11, 2014

#NH_4^(+) + H_2O -> NH_3 + H_3O^+#
#Acid + Base -> Conj B + Conj A#

On the reactant side of the equation the Ammonium (#NH_4^+#) is the Acid as it is the hydrogen ion donor to the Water (#H_2O#) which is the Base as it receives the hydrogen ion.

On the product side the Hydronium (#H_3O^+#) is the Conjugate Acid as it is the hydrogen donor to the Conjugate Base Ammonia (#NH_3#) as it receives the hydrogen ion.

#NH_4^(+) -> NH_3 #
#Acid -> Conj B#
The Ammonia (#NH_3#) is the Conjugate Base pair to the Acid Ammonium (#NH_4^+#) .

#H_2O -> H_3O^+#
#Base -> Conj A#

The Hydromium (#H_3O^+#) is the Conjugate Acid pair to the Base Water (#H_2O#).

I hope this was helpful.