What do Ruffini endings produce?

1 Answer
Sep 3, 2014

Ruffini endings do not produce so much as they detect incoming information.

They are part of the general senses with receptors distributed over a large part of the body. They are divided into two groups: the somatic and the visceral senses.

The somatic senses, which provide sensory information about the body and the environment, include touch, pressure, itch, vibration, proprioception, temperature, and pain. The visceral senses, which provide information about various internal organs, consist primarily of pain and pressure.

The deepest receptors in the dermis or subcutaneous tissue are lamellated, corpuscles. These receptors relay information concerning deep pressure and vibration.

They are named for Italian histologist Angelo Ruffini (1864-1929). They are a receptor located deep in the dermis and respond to continuous touch or pressure.

They sense and control finger position and movement. In particular they are at the highest density around the fingernails.
