Why are solutions to square roots positive and negative?

1 Answer

Given a positive real number a, there are two solutions to the equation x^2=a, one is positive, and the other is negative. We denote the positive root (which we often call the square root) by \sqrt{a}. The negative solution of x^2=a is −\sqrt{a} (we know that if x satisfies x^2=a, then (−x)^2=x^2=a, therefore, because \sqrt{a} is a solution, so is −\sqrt{a}). So, for a>0, \sqrt{a}>0, but there are two solutions to the equation x^2=a, one positive (\sqrt{a}) and one negative (−\sqrt{a}). For a=0, the two solutions coincide with \sqrt{a}=0.

As we all know a square root is occurrence when an integer n is multiplied to itself to give us an integer n* n. We also know when 2 integers with the same signs are multiplies it gives a positive integer .

with a these facts in mind we can say that n can be negative or positive and still give us the same perfect square.
PS . note that something like sqrt{-1} wouldn't exist as we know that 2 integers with opposite symbols will not give a negative number.And for it to be a square number both the nos . have to be same.

Hopefully this helps