How do eukaryotic cells maintain homeostasis?

1 Answer
Apr 25, 2015

The term homeostasis refers to maintaining a relatively stable internal environment, inside an organism/cell in spite of any changes in the external environment.

Eukaryotic cells consist of a “selectively permeable” cell membrane and having this selectively permeable membrane is what helps the cell maintain homeostasis.
1) These membranes regulate entry of materials into and out of the cells' environment thereby maintaining the environment in turn and this keeps the cells' internal environment balanced.

2) Cells also have ways of communicating with each other; thereby when there is an unfavorable change in the external environment cells send signals (chemical messengers) to the hypothalamus of the brain( hypothalamus plays a key role in maintaining homeostasis), the hypothalamus then sends back signals to the concerned organ/gland in which those cells are present thereby helping in adjustment of the environment.