When 2 heterozygotes were crossed with each other i.e. AaBbAaBb x AaBbAaBb, the progeny showed: (i) A_B_ = 400 (ii) A_bb = 310 (iii) aaB_ = 290 (iv) aabb = 200 Does this prove Mendelian ratio? Find with a chi square test. (A and B- dominant)

1 Answer
Aug 28, 2015

The results of the dihybrid cross in question do not indicate Mendel's law of independent assortment.


The Mendelian ratio of a dihybrid cross is expected to create 1616 genotypes in the ratio "9 A-B-: 3 A-bb: 3 aaB-: 1 aabb"9 A-B-: 3 A-bb: 3 aaB-: 1 aabb.

To determine the expected numbers of genotypes in the progeny of the cross in question, multiply the number of each genotype times its expected ratio out of 1616. For example, the total number of progeny is 12001200. To determine the expected number of progeny with the "A-B-"A-B- genotype, multiply 9/16 xx 1200916×1200, which equals 675675. Then perform the Chi-square equation.

The Chi-square ("X"^2")(X2) equation is ("observed-expected")^2/"expected"(observed-expected)2expected
Genotype: "A-B-"A-B-
Observed: 400400
Expected: 9/16xx1200=675916×1200=675
"X"^2X2 equation:(400-675)^2/675=112(400675)2675=112

Genotype: "A-bb"A-bb
Observed: 310310
Expected: 3/16xx1200=225316×1200=225
"X"^2X2 equation: (310-225)^2/225=32(310225)2225=32

Genotype: "aaB-"aaB-
Observed: 290290
Expected: 3/16xx1200=225316×1200=225
"X"^2X2 equation: (290-225)^2/225=19(290225)2225=19

Genotype: "aabb"aabb
Observed: 200200
Expected: 1/16xx1200=75116×1200=75
"X"^2X2 equation: (200-75)^2/75=208(20075)275=208

Determine the Chi-Square Sum

"X"^2X2 Sum: 112+32+19+208=371112+32+19+208=371

Once you have the Chi-Square sum, you need to use the Probability table below to determine the probability that the results of the dihybrid cross is due to the Mendelian inheritance of independent assortment.


The degree of freedom is the number of categories in the problem minus 1. In this problem there are four categories, so the degree of freedom is 3.

Follow Row 33 until you find the column closest to your sum of "X"^2"X2. Then move up the column to determine the probability that the results are due to chance. If p>0.5p>0.5, there is a high probability that the results are due to chance, and therefore follow Mendelian inheritance of independent assortment. If p<0.5p<0.5, the results are not due to chance, and the results do not represent Mendel's law of independent assortment.

The sum of "X"^2"X2 is 371371. The greatest number in Row 33 is 16.2716.27. The probability that the results are due to chance is less than 0.0010.001. The results are not indicative of Mendelian inheritance of independent assortment.