How do you convert 36 cm/sec to mph?

1 Answer
Sep 7, 2015

1cm/s = 0,022369362920544023 mph

it's 0,8052970651395848


I use this link

But the math is done this way

How to convert cm/ sec to mile/ hour ?

1) lenght ---> numerator

100.000 cm which is a km is approximately 0,62 mile

if we divide a mile by 100.000 we find 1 cm is approximately 0,00000621 mile

2) time ---> denominator

1 hour is 60 min which is 60x60 = 3600 sec

1 second is 1/3600 hours

0,00000621 mile divided by 1/3600 hours gives the magic number
of 0,0223

then multiply by 36 to find your answer