Is it possible to distinguish between first and second-order reactions based on a #[A]# vs. time graph?

1 Answer
Sep 30, 2015

If you are finding #(d[A])/(dt)# at each moment in time, that means you are finding the slope at each point on a graph of the change in concentration versus time.

The graphs would look like:

Without looking at both cases, it is impossible to tell by a graph. Even when superimposing both on the same graph, it may be hard to tell if it's really a second order vs. first order, or if it's just because a different mechanism occurred by accident that happened to give you that exact graph.

A zero order reaction is linear, though, so that you can distinguish from a first or second order reaction.

A better way to tell is by looking at a table. Let's suppose we have this (made-up) data:

#N_2 + O_2 -> 2NO#

#" "" "" "" "[N_2] (M)" "[O_2] (M)"" " "r(t)(s^(-1))#
Trial 1: #" "" "\mathbf(0.1)" "" "" "\mathbf(0.2)" "" "" " 1xx10^(-5)#
Trial 2: #" "" "0.1" "" "" "\mathbf(0.4)" "" "" " 4xx10^(-5)#
Trial 3: #" "" "\mathbf(0.2)" "" "" "0.2" "" "" " 2xx10^(-5)#

If you look at the trial concentrations I bolded, note the change in concentration of #N_2# and #O_2#.

- doubled concentration
- rate of reaction doubled

#[([N_2]_f)/([N_2]_i)]^x = (r(t)_f)/(r(t)_i)#

#[2]^x = 2#
#x = 1#

Thus, the reaction is first order in #N_2#.

- doubled concentration
- rate of reaction quadrupled

#[([O_2]_f)/([O_2]_i)]^x = (r(t)_f)/(r(t)_i)#

#[2]^x = 4#
#x = 2#

Thus, the reaction is second order in #O_2#.

For this reaction then, you can write:

#color(blue)(r(t) = k[N_2][O_2]^2)#