Sugar free gum contains 40% less calories than regular gum. if a piece of regular gum contains 40 calories, how many calories does a piece of sugar free gum contain?

2 Answers
Oct 7, 2015

Sugar-free contains #24# calories


#40%# of 40 calories #= 40/100*40# calories #=16# calories

So sugar-free gum contains #16# fewer calories than regular gum:
#color(white)("XXX")40# calories #- 16# calories #= 24# calories.

Oct 7, 2015

24 calories


According to the given, sugar-free gum has 40% less calories than regular gum. We can take this to mean that sugar free gum has 60% of the calories of regular gum.

To find out the answer to the problem, all we have to do is multiply the number of calories of regular gum by 60% or 0.60.

#(60%)(40# calories#)#
#=0.60(40# calories#)#
#color(red)(=24)# calories