What process did Darwin's book suggest that organisms evolve through?

1 Answer
Nov 4, 2015

In his 1859 book, On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin laid out his theory that organisms evolve through the process of natural selection.


The main principle of natural selection is that there is natural variation in any species. Some of these variations give individual organisms an advantage in surviving and reproducing.

For example, a giraffe born with a genetic variation that gives it a longer neck than other giraffes will be able to reach leaves that other, shorter necked giraffes can't. More of the longer necked giraffes survive and reproduce, and they are more likely to pass on their genes to the next generation. Over many generations, the proportion of giraffes with the "longer neck gene" will be higher than those giraffes without this gene. And so the species of giraffes evolves to have longer and longer necks.
