The total cost of Mrs. Draper's haircut including tip was $38. If she gave her hair dresser a 20% tip, how much was her haircut?

1 Answer
Nov 25, 2015



In order to get 20%, you need to get 10%. This can be done in loads of ways, but the easiest one in my opinion is as followed:
-Work out 10%. This is easy, just simply divide 38 by 10. This will give you 3.8. (10%)
-Now,to get 20%, simply double it. You do this because you already have 10%, so to get 20% you double it. So 10% is $3.80, double it and you will get $7.60. BUT THATS NOT THE FINAL ANSWER!
You now continue to minus $7.60 from your total price, $38 which gives you $30.40