What did Article 231 of the Versailles Treaty do to Germany?

1 Answer
Dec 1, 2015

Article 231 of the Treaty of Versailles was one of the most important Articles of the treaty. Even though, by itself, it had no military, geographic, or economical implications, it was an offense to Germany's Pride and Honor, and many Germans felt that this was a direct attack on Germany itself and not the war.

Another yet more important factor of Article 231 is the fact that if Germany signed it, it would accept almost all guilt for war, which would mean that there would be no reason to argue about the other points of the Treaty, such as reparations, as signing it would imply that Germany was "willing" to accept to pay for everything and sign all articles after that, as they were related to this, and not signing it would imply that Germany was "willing" to continue the war.

Hope it Helps! :D .