If a man and a woman , both habing blood type B, have 12 children , 3/4 are of type B and 1/4 are of O , what are the genotypes of the parents?

1 Answer
Dec 3, 2015

Genotype of both parents is Bo.


The parents can be either BB or Bo genotypically, so we use these options to exploit all possible combinations using test-cross Punnett squares.

BB x Bo will give half BB and half Bo genotypes, meaning the offspring will be 100% of blood type B. However, this is not the correct combination for the sought progeny.

Another combination is Bo x Bo which will give a quarter BB, two quarters (one half) Bo, and a quarter oo. Therefore, phenotypically the genes will be expressed in the offspring as three quarters of blood type B and one quarter of blood type O.