How do you expand ln ((sqrt(a)(b^2 +c^2))?

1 Answer
Dec 12, 2015

Sticking with Real logarithms, this expands as:

ln(sqrt(a)(b^2+c^2)) = 1/2 ln(a) + ln(b^2+c^2)


If x, y > 0 then ln(xy) = ln(x)+ln(y)

Assuming we're dealing with Real values here and everything is well defined, we must have a > 0 and b^2+c^2 > 0. That is, at least one of b!=0 or c!=0, resulting in a strictly positive value for b^2+c^2.

Also note that if a > 0 then ln(sqrt(a)) = ln(a^(1/2)) = 1/2 ln(a)




=1/2 ln(a) + ln (b^2+c^2)

If we allow Complex logarithms, then we might try to say something like:

=1/2 ln(a) + ln (b+c i) + ln (b - c i)

based on the fact that b^2+c^2 = (b+c i)(b - c i), but there are some problems with this.

For example, if b = -1 and c = 0 then we find:

0 = ln(1) = ln(b^2+c^2) != ln(b+ci) + ln(b-ci) = ln(-1)+ln(-1) = 2 pi i

So this Complex identity does not quite work and is messy to fix.