What happens during the lysogenic cycle of a viral infection?
1 Answer
Virus lies dormant. It reproduces itself by letting the host cell copy its DNA during cell division.
Hello! For more explanations please see this.
Lysogenic Cycle
The lysogenic cycle is a viral mode of reproduction where it inserts its genome in the host's DNA, then remains dormant as time goes by. However, though it's dormant, it replicates itself by letting the host cell copy the virus' genetic material in cell division.
If the host cell divides, the viral genome is also copied, therefore replicating itself without exerting much effort and exhibiting dormancy.
The lysogenic cycle can also shift to the lytic cycle. This is evident in viruses that lie dormant for years and then attacks whenever the host's immune system is suppressed or compromised.
For comparison with the lytic cycle, please see a related question which has already an answer.
What are the differences between a lytic infection and a lysogenic infection? ..