What is #sqrt121 + root3 343#?

3 Answers
Feb 5, 2016

#sqrt(121)+root(3)(343) = 18#


#sqrt(121) = 11 hArr 11^2=121#
#root(3)(343)= 7 hArr 7^2=343#

#sqrt(121)+root(3)(343) = 11 + 7 = 18#

Feb 5, 2016



Remember that to get out of roots without a calculator you must factor the numbers within the roots with prime numbers. Once you have the same number of a particular prime as the "root" number you can take that number out of the root until you have nothing inside OR you leave the odd ones in

For example #sqrt(9)# 9 is 3 times 3, so 2 threes, therefore we can take 1 three out and are left with nothing so the answer would be 3. Now if we took #sqrt(18)#, 18 is #2*3*3# so we could take the 3 out, but the two is left in, so it is equal to #3sqrt(2)# as another example, take #root(3)(250)#, 250 is #2*5*5*5# so we can take the 5s out but leave the 2 in for a simplified #5root(3)(2)#

THIS case is easier as #sqrt(121) = 11 and root(3)(343) = 7#
#i.e. 121 = 11*11 and 343 = 7*7*7#
so #11+7=18#

Feb 5, 2016

18#" "#Trial and error demonstrated using approximations.


Given expression: #" sqrt(121)+root(3)(343)#

#color(blue)("Not using a calculator")#

#color(brown)("To find the value of "sqrt(121))#

Known: #"From multiplication tables "11xx11=121 -> sqrt(121)=11#


#color(brown)("To find the value of "root(3)(343))#

#color(purple)("Lets look at 343 using trial and error initially, but with a bit of forethought.")#

1st point:
we need to end up in the hundreds so we need numbers that are going to end up where the first multiplication will a value in the tens

#color(green)("Step 1")#

Lets look at one we know: #5xx5=25" " and " "5xx25=125#. So we need to be higher than 5.
#color(green)("Step 2")#
#6xx6=36" but "3xx6=18" but the 3 is in tens so "10xx18=180#

This is not what we are looking for as the final value is likely to be close to 200
#color(green)("Step 3")#
Lets look at 7

#7xx7=49" which is nearly 50 and "10xx5xx7=350#. As this estimate is close to 343 the value of 7 could be the one we want. lets try it.


#color(purple)("Notice the way I 'split' the numbers to make multiplication easier to do in your head.")#

#49xx7= (9xx7)+(4xx7xx10)=63+280= 343" "#


#color(green)(" "sqrt(121)+root(3)(343)" "=" " 11+7" "=" "18)#