A charge of #2 C# is at #(-3 ,7)# and a charge of #3 C# is at #( 2,-5 )#. If both coordinates are in meters, what is the force between the charges?

1 Answer
Feb 10, 2016

#F~=0,3699*10^9 N#


#given data:#
#"r :distance between two charges"#
#q_1 " :2C charge"#
#q_2 " :3C charge"#
#"k :"9*10^9" Coulomb's constant"#
#"formula for solving this problem:"#
#F=(k*q_1*q_2)/r^2" (Coulomb's law)"#
#"find distance between two points."#
#r=sqrt 146#
#r^2=146 m#
#"fill data into formula"#
#F~=0,3699*10^9 N " Force between two point"#