What are the relative positions of the sun, Earth, and moon at the times of lunar and solar eclipses, as well as new, first-quarter, full, and last-quarter phases of the moon?
1 Answer
[1] New Moon: Earth, Moon and Sun lined up with the Moon coming between the Earth and the Sun. But usually the alignment is not perfect with the Moon's longitude lying a few degrees above or below the Sun's longitude. The Earth-Moon line and the Earth-Sun line are close to zero degree. However, occasionally the alignment could be near perfect leading to an eclipsing of Sun by the Moon. That is solar eclipse . Not every New Moon is a Solar Eclipse but every Solar Eclipse will coincide with New Moon. On New Moon days Moon rises along with the Sun.
[2] First Quarter: When the Earth-Moon line is
[3] Full Moon: Moon, Earth and Sun lined up with the Earth coming between the Moon and the Sun. But usually the alignment is not perfect with the Moon's longitude lying a little above or below the Sun's longitude. The Earth-Moon line and the Earth-Sun line are close to
[4] Third Quarter: When the Earth-Moon line is