An object with a mass of #32 g# is dropped into #480 mL# of water at #0^@C#. If the object cools by #120 ^@C# and the water warms by #9 ^@C#, what is the specific heat of the material that the object is made of?

1 Answer
Feb 17, 2016

#c_o=1,125 " may be ammonia liquid"#


#Q_o=m_o*c_o*Delta t_o" Heat given by object a mass of 32 g"#
#c_o": specific heat of object"#
#Q_w=m_w*c_w*Delta t_w" Heat gained by water"#
#V_=480 m ; m_=480 g ; c_w=1 #
#Q_w=4320 Cal#
#Q_o=Q_w " conversation of energy"#
#c_o=1,125 " may be ammonia liquid"#