What is #(dy)/dx# if #x^2y-xy^2=1#?

1 Answer
Feb 23, 2016

I found: #(dy)/(dx)=(y^2-2xy)/(x^2-2xy)#


Here you need Implicit Differentiation. Your function is not easily written as #y=f(x)# so what you do is to derive #y# as well as a function of #x#;

for example, if you have:
then differentiating you get:
#2y(dy)/(dx)# where the #(dy)/(dx)# takes into account that your #y# is still a function of #x#.

In our case we have:


where we used the Product Rule and the fact that the constant gives zero in differentiation.

Rearranging we isolate #(dy)/(dx)#:
