How many moles of #BaF# are there in 41 grams of #BaF#?

1 Answer
Mar 5, 2016

Do you mean barium fluoride, #BaF_2#. I presume you do, because there ain't no such beast as #BaF#. There are approx. #0.25# #mol# #BaF_2#.


#"Formula mass,"# #BaF_2# #=# #175.34*g*mol^-1#. To get the number of moles, simply divide the mass by the molar mass:

#(41.0*cancelg)/(175.34*cancelg*mol^-1)# #=# #??# #mol#.

Note that we set this up dimensionally, and automatically got the units of #mol#, which might persuade us that we got it right (for once!).

How many moles of fluoride ion are in this quantity?