A boy was going home for 12km. We went 2km/h faster than last time and now spent 1 hour less on the road. How fast was the boy going?

2 Answers
Mar 19, 2016

#4# km/h last time (taking #3# hours) and #6# km/h this time (taking #2# hours).


If the boy travelled at #x# km/h last time then:

#12/x - 12/(x+2) = 1#

Multiplying through by #x(x+2)# we find:

#12(x+2)-12x = x(x+2)#

That is:

#24 = x^2+2x#

Adding #1# to both sides we get:

#25 = x^2+2x+1 = (x+1)^2#

Hence #x+1 = +-sqrt(25) = +-5#

So #x = -1+-5#

That is: #x = 4# or #x = -6#.

Since the time must be non-negative, the applicable solution is #x = 4#, meaning that the boy travelled at #4# km/h last time and #6# km/h this time.

Mar 19, 2016

The later traveling speed was 6 km/h


Let initial velocity be #" "v_o" "# in Km/h
Let new velocity be #" "color(white)(.)v_n" "# in Km/h

Let initial time be #t_o# in hours
Let new time be #t_n# in hours

Known that velocity x time = distances

#=>v_o xxt_o=12#

Given that #v_n=v_o +2#
Given that #t_n =t_o -1#

#color(blue)("Putting it all together")#

#color(brown)(v_o xxt_o=12)#................................................................(1)

#color(brown)(v_n xxt_n=12)" "color(blue)(->(v_o +2)(t_o -1)=12)#.......(2)

Using equation(1) substitute for #t_o# in equation (2)

Set #t_o=12/v_o#

#(v_o +2)(12/v_o-1)=12#

#12-v_o +24/v_o -2=12#

#=>24/v_o -v_o -2=0#

Multiply by #v_o#

#24-(v_o)^2 -2v_o=0#

#-(v_o)^2-2v_o + 24=0#

Multiply by -1

#(v_o)^2+ 2v_o-24=0#

#(v_o -4)(v_o +6)=0#

#v_o=-6" " #is not logical

#v_o = +4# is a more sensible walking speed

We need #v_n = v_o +2 = 6 " "#km/h