The movie star arrived at the studio in a limousine that was 1,800 centimeters long. What is that length in meters?

1 Answer
Mar 24, 2016



To convert #1800cm# into metres, we must use a conversion factor. A conversion factor is a ratio expressed as a fraction equal to 1. We multiply the conversion factor by a measurement which allows us to change the units while keeping the original measurements the same.

Examples of common conversion factors:

  • #1# day#=24# hours
  • #1# minute#=60# seconds
  • #1# dozen#=12# things

#1#. We can use the conversion factor, #1# metre#=100# centimetres, to change #1800# #cm# into metres. It is expressed as:


#2#. Multiply #(1m)/(100cm)# by #1800cm#.


#3#. Notice how the unit, #cm#, cancels out in the numerator and denominator.


#4#. Solve.

