What is #6/13 -: 15/26#?

1 Answer
Apr 17, 2016



Multiply #6/13# by the reciprocal of #15/26#.

#6/13 times 26/15#
We can cross cancel 13 and 26 because both can be divided by 13. So #13 div 13 = 1# and #26 div 13 = 2#.

#6/1 times 2/15#
Now 6 and 15 can be canceled because both are multiples of 3. So #6 div 3 = 2# and #15 div 3 = 5#.

#2/1 times 2/5#
Multiply the numerator and the denominator horizontally.
#(2 times 2 = 4)/(1 times 5 = 5) = 4/5#

Answer is #4/5#