Sal has quarters, dimes and nickels. She has 52 coins total. She has 3 more quarters than dimes and 5 fewer nickels than nickels. How many dimes does she have?

1 Answer
Jun 1, 2016

Depending upon a correction to the question:
the intended answer was probably #18# dimes


#color(white)("XXX")Q# represent the number of quarters;
#color(white)("XXX")D# represent the number of dimes; and
#color(white)("XXX")N# represent the number of nickels.

Option 1: line should have read: 5 fewer dimes than nickels.

We are told

#D=N-5 color(white)("XX")rarrcolor(white)("XX")N=D+5#

So we can substitute #D+3# for #Q# and #D+5# for #N# in [1]




#color(white)("XXX")D=14 2/3#
(since this isn't likely, let's reject Option 1)

Option 2: line should have read: 5 fewer nickels than dimes.

We are told

So we can substitute #D+3# for #Q# and #D-5# for #N# in [1]






Of course it is possible that one of the "nickels" in
#color(white)("XXX")#...5 fewer nickels than nickels
should have been "quarters"... but let's quit while we have a reasonable answer.