What is the equation of the tangent line to the curve #x^2 + xy+y^2=3# at the point #(1,1)#?

1 Answer
Jun 11, 2016



The tangent is a straight line so it will be of the form


We can get #m# by finding the 1st derivative #dy/dx# as this is the gradient of the line.

We can then get #c#, the intercept, by using the values of #x# and #y# which are given.

To find the 1st derivative we can use implicit differentiation:



Using The Product Rule and The Chain rule gives:





We are told #x=1# and #y=1#


This corresponds to the gradient #m#.

The tangent line is of the form #y=mx+c#

Putting in the values:



So the equation of the tangent line becomes:




The situation looks like this:

graph{(x^2+xy+y^2-3)(2-x-y)=0 [-10, 10, -5, 5]}