How do you convert 1.55 moles of water to grams?

1 Answer
Jun 14, 2016

By using the molar mass of water.


To get from moles to grams you need to use the molar mass which is the weight in grams of one mole (g/mol).

Each element has its own specific molar mass. For water (#H_2O#) take the sum of the molar masses of #2# hydrogen and #1# oxygen atom:

  • Hydrogen (#H#) = #1.008# g/mol #* 2 = 2.016# g/mol
  • Oxygen (#O#) = #15.999# g/mol
  • Molar mass of #H_2O# = #2.016 + 15.999 = 18.015# g/mol

This means that #1# mole of water weighs #18.015# gram.
But you have #1.55# moles of water, so you multiply:

  • #18.015# g/mol #* 1.55# mol = #27.9# gram