What is the meaning of a road sign with only an exclamation point on it? English Grammar Punctuation Exclamation Points 1 Answer Karen L. Jun 27, 2016 It's a caution sign. Answer link Related questions What does an exclamation mark mean at the end of a sentence or word? Is it interpreted as excited banter or yelling when someone ends a sentence with an exclamation point? What does an upturned exclamation point mean in Spanish? Is it the equivalent of an exclamation point? Who invented the exclamation mark? What is the difference between one exclamation point and three exclamation points? Can a sentence end in an exclamation point and a question mark? Is it legal to put an exclamation point in a baby's (legal) name? Is the correct term an exclamation "mark" or a "point"? Why do some people put a space after the word the comes before an exclamation point? Do you capitalize the word after a quote with an exclamation point? See all questions in Exclamation Points Impact of this question 14179 views around the world You can reuse this answer Creative Commons License