If #y# varies directly as the cube of #x#, what is the value of #y# in the ordered pairs #(4,16)# and #(2,y)#?

1 Answer
Jul 3, 2016



We can interpret "y varies directly as the cube of x" as following formula:

#y=kx^3#, where k = some constant that we need to find.

We are given one order pair #(4,16)# from which we can find the value of k.

So, #16=k*4^3#


#k=16/64 = 1/4#

Now, we can use our original formula #y=kx^3# and pluging #1/4# for #k#. That would give us #y=1/4x^3#.

To find #y# in #(2,y)#, we just need to plugin 2 for #x#.


