What happens to Earth's temperature as cloud cover increases?

1 Answer
Jul 14, 2016

Heating/cooling the Earth's surface by cloud depends on the
cloud's altitude, size, and the particles that form the cloud, in the
coalescence process. Vast clouds make it cooler.


Heating or cooling the Earth's surface by a cloud depends on the

cloud's altitude, size, and the particles that form the cloud, in the

coalescence process..

Low and thick clouds reflect solar radiation and keeps the surface


High and thin clouds allow solar radiation. Also, they block some

outgoing infrared-radiation from the Earth and reflect it. This makes

the local surface slightly warmer..

The net effect might be either cooler or warmer, in comparison to

what it would be in the absence of clouds. Mostly, it might be

making the surface cooler, with the increase of clouds, in all their


Reference: earthobservatory.nasa.gov/features/clouds/