How many liters are equivalent to 12 US gallons?

2 Answers
Jul 18, 2016

45.42 Liters


We can use a conversion factor to solve for this value

1 Gallon = 3.785 Liters

#12 cancel(gal) (3.785 L)/(1cancel(gal)) = #

45.42 Liters

Jul 22, 2016

Brian's method uses shortcuts. The shortcut comes from this method

#45.42" L"-= 12" US gallons"#


Using ratios

1 US gallon = 3.785 litres (note that the English gallon is different)

Write this as a ration but in the same format as a fraction.


Let the unknown count of litres be represented by: #?#

So we write


To get #?# on its own multiply both sides by #color(blue)(12)#

#color(brown)(color(blue)(12xx) 3.783/1=color(blue)(12xx)?/12)#


But #12/12=1#


so 45.42 Litres are #ul("'equivalent'")# to 12 US gallons

Mathematically this is written as #45.42" L"-= 12" US gallons"#

where #-=# means equivalent to