How many significant digits are in the number 5.40?

2 Answers
Jul 22, 2016



Terminal zeroes after the decimal point are not needed as placeholders; mathematically #5.40# has thebsame value as #5.4#. So including that extra zero is warranted only if the quantity is accurate enough to render that digit siginficant. That is, #5.40# is rendrered sufficiently accurate to diatinguish it from #5.39# and #5.41#, whereas without that level of accuracy we would have written just #5.4#.

Jul 22, 2016



Terminal zeroes after the decimal point are not needed as placeholders; mathematically #5.40# has thebsame value as #5.4#. So including that extra zero is warranted only if the quantity is accurate enough to render that digit siginficant. That is, #5.40# is rendrered sufficiently accurate to diatinguish it from #5.39# and #5.41#, whereas without that level of accuracy we would have written just #5.4#.