Question #94c0e

1 Answer
Jul 27, 2016

Usually, six. If one of the terminal zeroes is an additional significant digit, we should indicate that, for example by using scientific notation.


Terminal zeroes before a decimal point are generally not sugnificant. They just serve as placeholders to give the actual significant digits their proper place values. Thus 530,405,000530,405,000 is likely to be accurate only to the nearest thousand, but we need the last three zeroes to distinguish the number from 530,405530,405.

Terminal zeroes after a decimal point are significant because they are not mere placeholders. Thus 5.05.0 must have two significant digits instead of one. If 530,405,000530,405,000 is accurate to the nearest multiple of 100100 (i.e. the number is accurate enough for the first terminal zero to be a seventh significant digit), we can indicate that by including an extra zero in scientific notation where all digits but one are after the decimal point. Thus, 5.30405color(blue)0xx10^85.304050×108 has the last zero after the decimal point, so it is indicated as an extra significant digit.