How do you solve #5/2x=10#?

1 Answer
Aug 1, 2016

x = 4


#5/2x" may be written" (5x)/2#

That is #(5x)/2=10#

multiply both sides of the equation by 2 to eliminate the fraction.

#color(red)(cancel(2)color(black)(xx(5x)/cancel(2)=color(red)2 xx10#

we are now left with 5x = 20

divide both sides by 5 to solve for x

#(cancel(5)^1 x)/cancel(5)^1=cancel(20)^4/cancel(5)^1rArrx=4" is the solution"#

check: #(5x)/2=(5xx4)/2=20/2=10" true"#