Let M and N be matrices , M = [(a, b),(c,d)] and N =[(e, f),(g, h)], and v a vector v = [(x), (y)]. Show that M(Nv) = (MN)v?

1 Answer
Aug 4, 2016

This is called an associative law of multiplication.
See the proof below.


(1) Nv = [(e,f),(g,h)]*[(x),(y)] = [(ex+fy),(gx+hy)]

(2) M(Nv)= [(a,b),(c,d)]* [(ex+fy),(gx+hy)] = [(aex+afy+bgx+bhy),(cex+cfy+dgx+dhy)]

(3) MN= [(a,b),(c,d)]* [(e,f),(g,h)] = [(ae+bg,af+bh),(ce+dg,cf+dh)]

(4) (MN)v = [(ae+bg,af+bh),(ce+dg,cf+dh)]*[(x),(y)] = [(aex+bgx+afy+bhy),(cex+dgx+cfy+dhy)]

Notice that the final expression for vector in (2) is the same as the final expression for vector in (4), just the order of summation is changed.

End of proof.