Are integers always, sometimes, or never whole numbers?

2 Answers
Aug 12, 2016

Integers are always whole numbers, positive, negative or 0.


Rational numbers are those which can be written in the form of #a/b, b!=0#

Within the rational numbers there are two groups

  • fractions such as #12/3# which simplify to whole numbers and
  • fractions which do not give whole numbers. (#3/4, 1.7, -9/5#)

The whole number group are called Integers # (ZZ )#which can be positive, negative or zero.

Integers are divided into two groups

  • the negative integers (-1, -2, -3, .....) and
  • counting numbers (0, 1,2,3,4...)
Aug 18, 2016

#color(brown)("So if an integer is the sum or difference of whole numbers")##color(brown)("then an integer is always a whole number.")#


From Collins Dictionary of Mathematics:

#"integer"#, n, also called 'signed number' or 'directed number'. a number that may be expressed as the sum or difference of 2 natural numbers; a member of the set {...-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3...} usually denoted as #ZZ#.

#color(brown)("So if an integer is the sum or difference of whole numbers")##color(brown)("then an integer is always a whole number.")#