Compared with the melting points of ionic compounds, the melting points of molecular solids tend to be what?

1 Answer
Sep 1, 2016

Much lower.


Ionic compounds are non-molecular; they are formed of an infinite array of cations and anions that are attracted by strong electrostatic forces, which in aggregate are greater than the associated electrostatic repulsion between ions of like charges.

On the other hand, molecular materials, gases, liquids, and solids, may have marginal degrees of intermolecular attraction. The molecule is a discrete unit, that may not bind intermolecularly (i.e. gases) even though the intramolecular interaction is strong; or alternatively are reliant on some unspecified means of interaction: dispersion forces; dipole-dipole; H-bonding.

What do I mean by #"intermolecular"# versus #"intramolecular"#?

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