Which battle during the American Revolution briefly boosted colonial morale?

1 Answer
Sep 6, 2016

The battle during the American Revolution that briefly boosted the colonial morale was the battle of Lexington and Concord.
Scroll down below to read about other significant battles


On April 19,1775 some 700 British troops arrived at Lexington
to seize an arms cache. When they arrived, however, they came upon 77 militiamen gathered on the town green. In addition, after the shooting (when the smoke cleared), eight militiamen lay dead and nine were wounded, while only one Redcoat was injured.

Moreover, the British then moved on to Concord, not realizing that the vast majority of the arms had already been relocated. In continuation, they decided to burn what little they found and the fire got slightly out of control. Thus, the militiamen hustled to Concord’s North Bridge prepared to attack. Furthermore, this was known as the “shot heard around the world”.

In conclusion, even though the colonists had great losses, they still proved that they could stand up to one of the most powerful armies in the world which helped break out a full-scale war for independence.

Although this was a very significant battle, there were still many other battles that greatly boosted the colonist's morale. Here are some of them:

  1. Battle of Saratoga: This battle took place in June 1777, and was won by the colonists because of a militia attack led by American General Horatio Gates. In addition, this was a great victory for the colonists because it greatly affected the British (they lost 6000 men, 27 canons, 5000 small arms, and the other remnants of Burgoyne's baggage train).

  2. Battle of Bunker Hill: Even though the British won this war it was still fairly significant. This is because this battle showed the British that the colonists weren't going to give up easily even if they had lost some battles(this is due to the fact that they ran out of gunpowder and ammunition).

"The high price of victory at the Battle of Bunker Hill made the British realize that the war with the colonies would be long, tough and costly"