What is the rate and unit rate of $7.96 for 5 pounds?

1 Answer
Sep 12, 2016

So $1 is approximately £0.628
So £1 is exactly $1.592


It all depends on the basis of comparison. That is; which of the two you wish to make the unit ( 1 of )

Express as a ratio but in fractional form.

#$7.96# to #£5.00" "->" "($7.96)/(£5.00)#

To compare such that you know how many pounds you get for 1 dollar. (the dollar is used as the unit rate)

Change the dollar so that it becomes 1.

#" "("dollars")/("pounds sterling")->7.96/5.00 -= (7.96-:7.96)/(5.00-:7.96)#

#" " ~~ ($1)/(£0.628)# to 3 dec places

So $1 is approximately £0.628

The unit rate £0.628 to 3 decimal places

To compare such that you know how many dollars you get for 1 pound stirling. (the pound is used as the unit rate)

#" "("dollars")/("pounds sterling")->7.96/5.00 -= (7.96-:5.00)/(5.00-:5.00)#

#" " = ($1.592)/(£1)" "# As an exact value.

So £1 is exactly $1.592

The unit rate is $1.592 exactly