The amount of material needed to cover a ball varies directly with the square of the radius. It takes about 221.63 cm2 of material to cover a ball with a radius of 4.2 cm. What is the radius of a ball that needs 352.92 cm2 of material to cover it?

1 Answer
Sep 29, 2016

#r=5.3 cm#


Since the amount of material necessary to cover the ball varies directly with the square of the radius, we know

#4.2^2 prop 221.63#
Or: #4.2^2 = k*221.63# where k is some constant

Now we want to find #r_2# such that #(r_2)^2 = k*352.92#

We could solve for k and then plug in, but a simpler method would be to divide our equations and solve for #r_2# directly:

#4.2^2 / (r_2)^2 = (k*221.63)/(k*352.92)#

Notice how the k's cancel out, and we can solve for #r_2# directly.

#4.2^2*352.92 = (r_2)^2*221.63#

#(4.2^2*352.92) / 221.63 = (r_2)^2#

#r_2 = sqrt((4.2^2*352.92)/221.63)#

#r_2 = 5.3 cm#