How do you solve the system of equations #y= 3x + 11# and #y = - 2x + 1#?

1 Answer
Oct 2, 2016

The solution is #(-2,5)#



Because #3x+11# and #-2x+1# both equal #color(red)y#, they must be equal to each other.

#+2xcolor(white)(aaaaaaa)+2xcolor(white)(aaaaaaa)# Add #2x# to both sides

#color(white)(a^1)5x+11 =color(white)(aaa)1#
#color(white)(aaaa)-11color(white)(aa)-11color(white)(aaaa)# Subtract #11# from both sides

#color(white)(aa)(5x)/5color(white)(aaaa)=(-10)/5color(white)(aaa)# Divide both sides by #5#


To find #y#, substitute #x=color(blue)(-2)# into either of the original equations.


The solution #(color(blue)x,color(red)y)# is #(color(blue)(-2),color(red)5)#