What is a solution to the differential equation dy/dx=ydydx=y?

1 Answer
Oct 13, 2016

y = C*e^xy=Cex where CC is some constant.


If you aren't looking for the general solution, but rather just one solution, then sometimes you can figure it out for simple differential equations like this by thinking for a second about what the differential equation literally means.


We're looking for a function, yy, which has the property that the derivative of yy is equal to yy itself.

There's one function which you probably learned previously that has exactly this property:

y = e^xy=ex.

The function e^xex is so special precisely because its derivative is also equal to e^xex. So y = e^xy=ex is one solution to the differential equation.

If you're also interested in finding all solutions to this DE, (or you're not interested in trial-and-error) then you can solve this DE by separation of variables.

Think of dydy and dxdx each as discrete variables. So you could do something like multiply both sides by dxdx and end up with:

iff dy=ydxdy=ydx

And then divide both sides by yy:

iff dy/y=dxdyy=dx

Now, integrate the left-hand side dydy and the right-hand side dxdx:

iff int 1/y dy=int dx1ydy=dx

iff ln |y|=x+Cln|y|=x+C

Remember to add the constant of integration, but we only need one.

Raise both sides by ee to cancel the lnln:

iff y=+-e^(x+C)y=±ex+C

Now, pulling the CC out front:

iff y=+-Ce^xy=±Cex

Since CC can be either positive or negative, we don't really need the +-±:

iff y=Ce^xy=Cex

So there is our general solution: Any constant multiple of e^xex is a solution to the differential equation, which makes sense.