What are the crystal field Splitting energy and the spin only moment in Bohr Magneton for the complex #K_3[Fe(CN)_6]# ?

How to calculate this?

2 Answers


Electronic configuration of #""_"26"Fe->1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^6 4s^2#

Electronic configuration of #""_"26"Fe^"3+"->1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2 3p^6 3d^5 4s^0#

In #[Fe(CN)_6]^"3-"# ,hexacyanoferrate(III) ion. we have five d-electrons. Here strong cyanide ligand causes greater d-orbital splitting. The octahedral splitting energy,#Delta_o# becomes high. During filling up process the first three electrons go into # t_"2g"# orbitals. Now, however, the splitting energy is much greater so it is less energetically costly for electrons to pair up in the # t_"2g"# orbitals than to go into the #e_g#orbitals and LOW SPIN complex is formed.

Here the crystal field Splitting energy

#=-"no. of e in " e_gxx0.6Delta_o +"no. of e in " t_"2g"xx0.4Delta_o#

#=-0xx0.6Delta_o +5xx0.4Delta_o=2Delta_o->"stabilisation"#

The spin only moment #mu_s=sqrt(n(n+2)#,where n = number of unpaired electron in complex ion system. Here n=1

So #mu_s=sqrt(n(n+2))=sqrt(1xx(1+2))=sqrt3=1.7BM#

Nov 5, 2016

The field-splitting energy is #-2Delta_o#, and the spin-only magnetic moment is #"1.732 Bohr magnetons"#, or #"BM"#.

In #"K"_3["Fe"("CN")_6]#, the charge of the anion is #3^-#, while each cyanide ligand is #1^-#. Thus, we are looking at #"Fe"^(3+)# (atomic number #26#), a #bb(d^5)# metal, since #"Fe"^(0)# originally had an #ns^2 (n-1)d^6# configuration, and a #+3# oxidation state removes the two #ns# and one #(n-1)d# electrons.

With six cyanide ligands, which are known to be great #bb(pi)#-acceptor and #bb(sigma)#-donor ligands, there are two effects at work:

  • Stabilization of the triply-degenerate #bb(t_(2g))# #3d# molecular orbitals by the back-donation of #pi# electrons from the metal simultaneously into the cyanide ligand's #2p_x# and #2p_y# orbitals (#3d_(xz) -> 2p_x#, #3d_(yz) -> 2p_y#).
  • Destabilization of the doubly-degenerate #bb(e_g)# #3d# molecular orbitals by the donation of #sigma# electrons from the cyanide ligand's #sp# orbitals into the metal's #3d_(z^2)# (axial) and #3d_(x^2 - y^2)# (equatorial) atomic orbitals (#sp -> 3d_(z^2)#, #sp -> 3d_(x^2 - y^2)#).

Both of these work to increase the overall ligand field splitting energy, #Delta#.

Since there are six ligands around iron, we have an octahedral complex, with a splitting energy of #+3/5Delta_o# and #-2/5Delta_o# from the free-ion energy of the metal (in a spherical field, which affects all orbitals equally). For simplicity, we observe only the #3d# orbitals from iron:

The fact that the two previously-mentioned effects are working in coincidence to increase #Delta_o# tells us that #"CN"^(-)# is a strong-field ligand.

These make the transition-metal complex a low-spin complex, since as a general rule, it is difficult for the electrons to populate the antibonding #e_g^"*"# orbitals (though simply labeled #e_g# in crystal-field theory) when the splitting energy is large.

The ligand-field splitting energy is calculated as each electron in an occupied orbital multiplied by the relevant splitting energy with respect to the free-ion energy. Therefore, we have:

#color(blue)(E_"splitting") = (2 + 2 + 1)xx(-2/5Delta_o) = color(blue)(-2Delta_o)#

The spin-only magnetic moment, #mu_S#, is sometimes defined as (Miessler et al., pg. 360):

#bb(mu_S = gsqrt(S(S+1)))#,

where #g = 2.00023# is the gyromagnetic ratio and #S# is the total spin.

From left to right, we have a total spin of #(+1/2 - 1/2) + (1/2 - 1/2) + 1/2 = 1/2#, so we have that:

#color(blue)(mu_S) = 2.00023sqrt(1/2(1/2 + 1))#

#=# #color(blue)("1.732 BM")#