Jordan's salary is $1250 a month plus a 5% commission on all his sales. What must the amount of his sales be to earn at least $1500 each month?

1 Answer
Nov 5, 2016

Jordan must sell $5000.


5% commission means for every $1.00 he sells, $0.05 gets added to his paycheck of $1250. "5% of $1.00" is kinda like saying 5% * $1.00 which is synonymous to .05 * $1.00.

But that's if he sells $1.00, we need to find out how much he needs to sell.

$1250 + .05 * x = $1500 is the equation we're solving for. We can subtract $1250 from both sides and we're left with:

.05 * x = $250. Now we must divide both sides by .05 (this is because 5% = .05).

x = $5000. So Jordan must sell $5000 worth of sales.