How do you find the repeating decimal 0.45 with 45 repeated as a fraction?

1 Answer
Nov 6, 2016 = 5/11#


First, in case you have not encountered it before, note that you can indicate a repeating decimal by placing a bar over the repeating pattern: = 0.45454545...#

With that notation, see what happens when we multiply by #(100-1)#:

#(100-1) = 100* - 1*

#color(white)((100-1) = -

#color(white)((100-1) = 45#

The #100# shifted our original decimal representation #2# places to the left - the length of the repeating pattern.

Then subtracting the original cancelled out the repeating tail.

Next, divide both ends by #(100-1)# and simplify to find: = 45/(100-1) = 45/99 = (5*color(red)(cancel(color(black)(9))))/(11*color(red)(cancel(color(black)(9)))) = 5/11#