How do you prove that the limit of (x+2)/(x-3) = -1/4 as x approaches -1 using the epsilon delta proof?

1 Answer
Nov 25, 2016

See the section below.


Preliminary analysis

We want to show that lim_(xrarr-1)((x+2)/(x-3)) = -1/4.

By definition,

lim_(xrarrcolor(green)(a))color(red)(f(x)) = color(blue)(L) if and only if

for every epsilon > 0, there is a delta > 0 such that:
for all x, " " if 0 < abs(x-color(green)(a)) < delta, then abs(color(red)(f(x))-color(blue)(L)) < epsilon.

So we want to make abs(underbrace(color(red)((x+2)/(x-3)))_(color(red)(f(x)) )-underbrace(color(blue)((-1/4)))_color(blue)(L)) less than some given epsilon and we control (through our control of delta) the size of abs(x-underbrace(color(green)((-1)))_color(green)(a)) = abs(x+1)

Look at the thing we want to make small. Rewrite this, looking for the thing we control.

abs((x+2)/(x-3) - (-1/4)) = abs((x+2)/(x-3)+1/4)

= abs(((4x+8)+(x-3))/(4(x-3)))= abs((5x+5)/(4(x-3))) = (abs5abs(x+1))/(abs(4)abs(x-3)) = (5abs(x+1))/(4abs(x-3))

And there's abs(x+1), the thing we control

We can make (5abs(x+1))/(4abs(x-3)) < epsilon by making abs(x+1) < (4 epsilon)/(5abs(x+1)), BUT we need a delta that is independent of x. Here's how we can work around that.

If we make sure that the delta we eventually choose is less than or equal to 1, then
for every x with abs(x-(-1)) < delta, we will have abs(x+1) < 1

which is true if and only if -1 < x+1 < 1

which is true if and only if -2 < x < 0

which, is ultimately equivalent to -5 < x-3 < -3.

Consequently: if abs(x+1) < 1, then abs(x-3) < 5

If we also make sure that delta <= 4epsilon, then we will have:

for all x with abs(x+1) < delta we have abs((x+2)/(x-3)-(-1/4)) = (5abs(x+1))/(4abs(x-3)) < (5(4epsilon))/(4(5)) = epsilon

So we will choose delta = min{1, 4epsilon}. (Any lesser delta would also work.)

Now we need to actually write up the proof:


Given epsilon > 0, choose delta = min{1, 4epsilon}. " " (note that delta is also positive).

Now for every x with 0 < abs(x-(-1)) < delta, we have

abs (x-3) < 5 and abs(x+1) < 4epsilon. So,

abs((x+2)/(x-3) - (-1/4)) = abs((5x-5)/(x(x-3))) = (5abs(x+1))/(4abs(x-3)) <= (5abs(x+1))/(4(5)) < delta/4 <= (4epsilon)/4 = epsilon

Therefore, with this choice of delta, whenever 0 < abs(x-(-1)) < delta, we have abs((x+2)/(x-3) - (-1/4)) < epsilon

So, by the definition of limit, lim_(xrarr-1)(x+2)/(x-3) = -1/4.