How do you find a #2xx2# matrix #A# with rational coefficients such that #A^2+A+((1,0),(0,1)) = ((0,0),(0,0))# ?

4 Answers
Dec 10, 2016

#A=((-1/2 - (i sqrt[3])/2,0),(0,-1/2+ (i sqrt[3])/2))#


By Cayley-Hamilton, the #A# characteristic polynomial is given by

#p(lambda) = lambda^2+lambda+1=0# and the eigenvalues are

#lambda=-1/2 pm (i sqrt[3])/2# so the matrix

#A=((-1/2 - (i sqrt[3])/2,0),(0,-1/2+ (i sqrt[3])/2))# is a solution.

Dec 10, 2016

I get #A = ((-1/2,b),(c,-1/2))# with #b,c in QQ# and #bc=-3/4#


I used #A = ((a,b),(c,d))#

I get the system (equations numbered in the obvious way)


Subtracting equation 4 from equation 1 gets us

#a^2+a-(d^2+d) = 0#

#a^2+a+1/4 -(d^2+d+1/4) = 0#

#(a+1/2)^2-(d+1/2)^2 = 0#

The only real solution is #a=d=-1/2#.

From equation 1 (0r eq 4) we now get #bc=-3/4#

At this point, I can find no other restrictions on #b# and #c#.

So, I tried #b=1# and #c = -3/4#

Unless I made some silly error,

#A = ((-1/2,1),(-3/4,-1/2))# is a solution.

More generally,


#A = ((-1/2,b),(c,-1/2))# with #bc=-3/4#,


#A^2 = ((-1/2,b),(c,-1/2))((-1/2,b),(c,-1/2)) = ((-1/2,-b),(-c,-1/2))#.

Now if we add #A#, we get

#A^2+A = ((-1,0),(0,-1))#.

Dec 10, 2016

A couple of possible solutions:

#A = ((-1/2, 1/2),(-3/2, -1/2))" "# or #" "A = ((-1/2, -1/2),(3/2, -1/2))#


Just in case you have not encountered the notation, the set of all rational numbers is denoted by #QQ#.

First consider matrices of the form #((a, 0), (0, a))# where #a in QQ#

If you add, subtract, multiply or divide (i.e. multiply by the multiplicative inverse), such matrices then you end up with a matrix of the same form.

Matrices of the form #((a, 0),(0, a))# where #a in QQ# are said to be closed under addition, multiplication, subtraction and multiplicative inverse (of non-zero elements). There is also an additive identity #((0, 0),(0,0))# and multiplicative identity #((1,0),(0,1))#. Both addition and multiplication are commutative.

In other words, such matrices form a field. This field is isomorphic to #QQ#, that is there is an exact correspondence between #QQ# and this field of matrices, given by the mapping:

#a -> ((a,0),(0,a))#

which preserves the arithmetical structure.

Now consider the matrix:

#((0, 1),(-3, 0))#

See what happens if we square this matrix:

#((0, 1),(-3, 0))((0, 1),(-3, 0)) = ((-3,0),(0,-3))#

So #((0, 1),(-3, 0))# is a "square root of #-3#"

If we add this to our field of matrices, and add all other matrices required to make it closed under arithmetic operations, then we have the set of matrices of the form:

#((a, b),(-3b, a))" "# where #a, b in QQ#

This corresponds to the Complex number #a + bsqrt(-3)#, behaving arithmetically just like it.


#x^2+x+1 = (x+1/2)^2-(sqrt(-3)/2)^2#

#color(white)(x^2+x+1) = (x+1/2-sqrt(-3)/2)(x+1/2+sqrt(-3)/2)#

Hence zeros:

#x = -1/2+-sqrt(-3)/2#

which correspond to the matrices:

#((-1/2, 1/2),(-3/2, -1/2))" "# and #" "((-1/2, -1/2),(3/2, -1/2))#


#((0, 1),(-3, 0))# is only one of a family of matrices with rational coefficients with square #((-3, 0),(0, -3))#.

In fact any matrix of the following form will work:

#((0, k),(-3/k, 0))#

and hence there are a family of solutions to the original problem.

Dec 11, 2016

One solution is the companion matrix #((0, -1),(1, -1))#


I think I was taught this about 35 years ago and had forgotten it...

Companion matrix

Given a monic polynomial:

#x^n + a_(n-1)x^(n-1) + a_(n-2)x^(n-2) + ... + a_1 x + a_0#

The companion matrix is an #n xx n# matrix of the form:

#C = ((0, 0,..., 0, -a_0), (1, 0,..., 0, -a_1), (0, 1,...,0, -a_2), (vdots, vdots,ddots,vdots,vdots),(0, 0,...,1, -a_(n-1)))#

Then #C# satisfies:

#C^n + a_(n-1)C^(n-1) + a_(n-2)C^(n-2) + ... + a_1 C + a_0 = 0#

For a monic quadratic polynomial:


The companion matrix is:

#C = ((0, -c), (1, -b))#

So for our example:


#C = ((0, -1), (1, -1))#


I was interested in more complicated examples such as:

#x^5+4x+2 = 0#

The companion matrix for this example is:

#((0, 0, 0, 0, -2), (1, 0, 0, 0, -4), (0, 1, 0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 1, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0, 1, 0))#