Meiling and Meimei divide $69 into 2 shares. #3/4# of Meiling's share is equal to #2/5# of Meimei's share. How much does each get?

1 Answer
Dec 13, 2016

This solution will require two equations with two variables. Read on...


Let x represent Meiling's share and y represent Meimei's share. The first sentence allows us to write

x + y = 69

The second sentence can be written as

#3/4 x = 2/5 y#

There are a couple of ways to proceed from here. The one I like best is to multiply the second equation by #5/2# to change the coefficient of y into a 1.

#5/2# x #3/4 x = y#

#15/8# x = y

Now, replace the y in equation 1 with this expression

x + #15/8#x = 69

Now, we have only one equation in one unknown and we can solve it (hopefully)

#23/8#x = 69

Multiply both sides by #8/23#

x = 69 x #8/23#

x = 24

So, y = 45 (based on the first equation.