The standard form of a linear equation is:
#color(red)(A)x + color(blue)(B)y = color(green)(C)#
where, if at all possible, #color(red)(A)#, #color(blue)(B)#, and #color(green)(C)#are integers, and A is non-negative, and, A, B, and C have no common factors other than 1
We can first add #color(red)(14)# to each side of the equation to have the constant on the right side of the equation while keeping the equation balanced:
#2x - 4y - 14 + color(red)(14) = 0 + color(red)(14)#
#2x - 4y - 0 = 14#
#2x - 4y = 14#
We can now divide each side of the equation by #color(red)(2)# to eliminate a common factor of each term while keeping the equation balanced:
#(2x - 4y)/color(red)(2) = 14/color(red)(2)#
#(2x)/color(red)(2) - (4y)/color(red)(2) = 7#
#x - 2y = 7#
#color(red)(1)x - color(blue)(2)y = color(green)(7)#