Of the #1 3/4# hours you spend at a restaurant, 20 minutes is spent eating. What percentage of the time is spent eating?

1 Answer

#20/105=4/21~=19%# of the time was spent eating.


You spend #1 3/4# hours at a restaurant and of that spend 20 minutes eating. To better compare these two numbers, let's convert the #1 3/4# hours:

#1 3/4=7/4=>7/4 " hours" xx 60=(7xxcancel60^15)/cancel4=105 " minutes"#

We can now say that of the 105 minutes in the restaurant, 20 were spent eating. We can put that into a fraction:

#20/105=4/21~=19%# of the time was spent eating.

We can also express it this way:

#4:17# - that for every 4 minutes spent eating at the restaurant, 17 were spent not eating at the restaurant.