How do you use order of operations to simplify #1/7 -: (1/7)^2 - 3/343#?

2 Answers
Feb 21, 2017



Follow the order of operations set out in the acronym PEMDAS

{P-parenthesis (brackets) ,E- exponents (powers), M-multiplication, D-division, A- addition and S- subtraction]



#=1/7÷1/49-3/343larrcolor(red)" bracket/exponent"#

[Change division to multiplication and turn dividing fraction upside down.]

#rArr(1/cancel(7)^1xxcancel(49)^7/1)-3/343larrcolor(red)" division"#

#"Finally " 7-3/343#

Change 7 into a fraction with a denominator of 343

#"that is "7/1xx343/343=2401/343#

#rArr2401/343-3/243=2398/343larrcolor(red)" subtraction"#

May 27, 2017

#= 6 340/343#


In an expression which has different operations, there is a specific order in which they have to be done.

Identify the number of TERMS first. Each term is treated separately and simplified to a single answer.
These are added or subtracted only in the last line.

Within each term, the order to be followed is:

  • brackets,
  • followed by powers and roots,
  • finally multiplication and division

In this case there are two terms. Simplify each separately.

#=color(blue)(1/7" " div" " (1/7)^2) -color(red)(3/343)" "larr# simplify the brackets
#=color(blue)(1/7" " div" " 1/49 -color(red)(3/343)#

#color(white)(.............)darrcolor(white)(.....)darr" "larr#multiply by the reciprocal

#=color(blue)(1/7 " "xx" " 49/1 -color(red)(3/343)#

#=color(blue)(1/cancel7 " "xx" " cancel49^7/1 -color(red)(3/343)#

#=" "color(blue)(7)" " -" "color(red)(3/343)#

#= 6 340/343#